Thinking About Relocating?

You look out of the window at another wet summers day and decide to move to Spain, somewhere warm, with a pool and a shady patio.

A lot of people have done this and are perfectly happy; but there are others who have lived to regret it. So before you sell up and sink your life savings into a fabulous villa, think and think again.

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Location, Location

Living in a tiny Spanish village, or on the top of a remote mountain. It might seem idyllic when you're stuck in a traffic jam on the M25, or stuffed on the train like a sardine. The reality however, means that you will only have your partner to talk to and going into town probably means a half hour drive to a small town.

No more quick chats with the woman who works in your local paper shop, or a cup of tea with next door. If you don't speak the language you can't communicate properly. Even when you do know a few words, there's only so much you can say about the weather!

So don't dismiss the coastal regions or places with an ex-pat community. It gives you the choice. If you don't want want to mix then you don't have to. If on the other hand you find you miss socializing, or need unexpected medical care, then there are people who speak your language and know your culture.

The weather is also more temperate down on the coast, so the summers aren't as stifling as inland areas and the winters aren't so cold. That old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere won't have gas central heating and, it does sometime snow in Spain!


Investing a large amount of money in a property is always a risk, but even more so in a foreign country. Why not rent a small apartment for a year before you decide to sell up lock stock and barrel?

You can really get to know the area, explore other parts of the country, experience the culture and get to know the people. You might find the village or town you thought was ideal isn't quite what you expected, but 15 minutes up the road is perfect.

Then, if you decide living abroad isn't for you after all, you haven't got the expense or the stress of selling your Spanish home and looking for a new house back home.


Do you really need that enormous villa with the Olympic sized pool? Think about the property you want carefully, after all it's no good owning a mansion and then having no money to enjoy your free time.

If you really think about what you want out of life and take your time making big decisions, you can live in Spain happily (as long as you don't mind reams of paperwork and long queues!) but that's another story.

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Posted in Health and Medical Post Date 10/13/2022






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